From KidWind 2.0 to KidWind Challenge

In April 2021, we began the transition from KidWind 2.0 to KidWind Challenge, a new-and-improved version of the same application. This process is now complete. This article covers everything customers and teachers need to know about the change.

KidWind Challenge features several improvements over KidWind 2.0, including improved exercises, design challenges, and simulation. KidWind Challenge also adds support for Game Mode (WhiteBox Nationals), with specifications for five exciting levels of competition. Read more about WhiteBox Nationals here:

What do I need to know?

All KidWind 2.0 customers have been given access to KidWind Challenge at no additional cost. This means that if you had a KidWind 2.0 subscription, you should now have an identical KidWind Challenge subscription as well, with the same expiration date. Moving forward, KidWind 2.0 subscriptions will no longer be sold or renewed in favor of KidWind Challenge.

If you are a KidWind 2.0 customer, and do not see the option to create a KidWind Challenge activity for your classroom, please contact support for assistance.

Our support team will be available to help with any other questions or concerns. We hope you and your students enjoy the KidWind Challenge!

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