System Requirements

Please Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for WhiteBox Learning applications.

Read the announcement here.


Did you arrive here after logging in?  

If so, you may need updated graphics card drivers. Please see the section below for more information. 

System Requirements 

If you are on the computer that will be running WhiteBox Learning applications, you can go to our Check Requirements page to see if the computer is compliant. Otherwise, WhiteBox recommends / supports the following:

  • Operating System: Windows 8 or newer -or- Mac OS X 11 or newer -or- ChromeOS* (Chromebook)
  • Web Browser (Windows): Mozilla Firefox (current version) - or - Google Chrome - or - Microsoft Edge (Windows 10 only).
  • Web Browser (Mac OS X): Google Chrome - or - Mozilla Firefox - or - Safari
  • Recommended Screen Resolution: At Least 1280 x 720 pixels (the bigger the better)
  • Hardware: We do not have specific requirements for RAM, CPU or graphics cards. We strive to optimize our applications so that they will run on low and high end machines. Please contact us if 3D graphics performance is a problem.

Graphics Card Drivers

To use WhiteBox Learning applications with WebGL, you must have sufficient video card drivers.  Out of date or "generic" drivers often cause Firefox and Chrome to disable the WebGL feature.  If you've arrived at this page after logging in while using one of these browsers, it is likely due to insufficient video card drivers.  You may need assistance from your IT department to locate and install new drivers.

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  • 0
    Mike Clay

    Can my students use ipads for whitebox?

  • 0
    Jody Mickey

    Hi Mike, iPads and other tablets with a touch interface are not supported.  

  • 0
    Kelli Iannacone

    Will this run on Google Chromebooks? Thanks!

  • 0
    Jody Mickey

    Hi Kelli, yes Chromebooks are supported!  

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